Thursday, March 3, 2011


I realise when u discuss the topic PROCRASTINATION several things go into people's mind but the big thing is that almost all of us do it.I get surprised that no one looks at this context differently e.g like saying Good procrastination? i know this wouldn't auger well with the people who would want to make u believe that procrastination is bad..
I like this excerpt

'Good procrastination is avoiding errands to do real work.

Good in a sense, at least. The people who want you to do the errands won't think it's good. But you probably have to annoy them if you want to get anything done. The mildest seeming people, if they want to do real work, all have a certain degree of ruthlessness when it comes to avoiding errands.

Some errands, like replying to letters, go away if you ignore them (perhaps taking friends with them). Others, like mowing the lawn, or filing tax returns, only get worse if you put them off. In principle it shouldn't work to put off the second kind of errand. You're going to have to do whatever it is eventually. Why not (as past-due notices are always saying) do it now?


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